Free training in TEST, ENTERPRISE, and CODE

Test Training
1. Sydney Testers Meetup Group
Sydney Testers - has the best speakers Sydney and world wide talk on a range of topics for the test, quality engineering and product development space. The BBST series of test courses produced by the best thought leaders in software testing. A list of all relevant resources for testing in the modern workplace.
2. Test-Ed
Test-Ed runs 3 month, 9-5 pm, training boot-camps in code, test and enterprise skills for 18-22 year old unemployed disadvantaged youth.
Test-Ed runs Postman Fundamentals, Postman Advanced, Fundamentals and Intermediate, Testcafe fundamentals, Resume and Job Response skills training for unemployed test engineers. Dates are advertised on Sydney Testers meetup, usually running on Saturday mornings face to face or online for 2 hours 10.30 to 12.30 pm and Wednesday 1 hour reviews 7 pm at night.
Test-Ed facilitates commercial training in API Testing, Becoming a Quality Coach and Exploratory Testing, Critical Thinking and Rapid Software Testing with world-class trainers.
1. Test-Ed
Communication, Presentation, Agile@Atlassian, Critical Thinking modules are available to unemployed people 18-22 year old. Please see or /Sydney-Testers for advertised events.
Good resource for all online resources: A very good overview to understand the coding domain: The Ultimate Guide to Learning to Code and Getting Paid Learn to code with free online courses, programming projects, and interview preparation for developer jobs, thousands of students on chat and in Sydney a learning group that meets each Sunday. : Free courses and paid for programs with nano-degrees on completion. Good quality content. : More talk than chalk, but has very good overviews on what it means to be a developer and programming languages. General Assembly’s free introduction to HTML/CSS and JavaScript. A nice project based platform, where you will have some interesting personal and business websites when you finish. You’ll need to do a lot more to be proficient, however. If you’re not sure if you would like to code this is a good place to start, then move on to Freecodecamp or Udacity.
Free Hands on training:
Code.Sydney provides coaching and mentoring around the FreeCodeCamp program. The meet up every Sunday at Bankstown in Sydney.
Sign up at: I highly recommend studying in a group, solo learning usually has a drop out rate over 80%, but as a group that changes. To be part of this group you will need to also sign up for the online course at: FreeCodeCamp.Org
Muses Code JS – This is a primarily a women’s based group, who allow men to attend one day JavaScript, Node.JS etc one day face to face training courses.
Sign up at As a tip explore the space – on any topic in the code space, for free training, networking and conferences on whatever interests you. Usually groups are founded by people both passionate and well skilled in that space.
Commercial Training Organisations The companies I’ve listed below train in various code, software development or production roles. They have in common the following;
Training is by industry professionals who are recognized as a high caliber by the industry.
95% or more are in jobs in relevant industries within 3 months of course completion.They have a network of companies that keep them up to date on relevant content and are interested in employing graduates.
They are project based, hands on and skills based. They are looking (just like employers) at your skill acquisition not your ability to sit an exam. (You don’t sit many exams in your day to day job.).
Flatiron School - (Money back guarantee if no job within 6 months) General Assembly - (90% placement rate within 90 days) Academy of Interactive Entertainment - (Not for profit, prices similar to TAFE, 97% placement at end of course within 2 months of completion)
Note, you may think paying 11-20,000 K is expensive for an education and placement into a job with the above companies. But you pay a lot more in Universities for a Bachelor's degree from $36-43000 K per year. Remember Hex doesn’t make education ‘free’, you have to pay it back once you work, plus there is no guarantee of a job. Note, in the IT space, the employer is more concerned to see and test that you have the skills rather than if have certificates.